The Young Gallery
The Young Gallery is Scotland’s first dedicated children’s art gallery. It gives children the wonderful experience of working with an artist and seeing their own creations in an exhibition. This inspires children who may have had limited access to artistic or creative processes. One of the many brilliant community art projects by Impact Arts.
One of my aims was to design a logo that would hold up next to it’s ‘grown-up’ counterparts. Hopefully contributing to the young artists feeling of having their work on display in a real gallery.
Below: A practical use for the brandmark. Each child involved in The Young Gallery would add a face to a poster. This made a visual aid that quantified the social impact the gallery has. It shows personalities of participants rather than the numbers alone.
I wanted the ‘YG’ monogram to be something that the children would ‘get’ and try drawing themselves. Well, it actually happened! These drawings were on thank you messages to Impact Arts from the first school involved with the project.